Saturday, 2 July 2016

First Few Days

By Friday afternoon we finally completed everything we wanted to get done at home before we left and Bron moved in, so we headed off to Andrew's brother Nathan and Chris' in Tallarook for the first night. Great to catch up with them. This morning (Sat) we headed off north, caught up with Ray and Cheryl and the kids for morning tea at Garry and Barb's in Numurkah, lunch at Bunnings in Cohuna, called into Echuca for a spot of shopping before calling it quits for the day just outside Swan Hill at Pental Island. We've made a conscious effort to try and slow down; there has been very little traffic on these roads, so we sat on only 85-90 km/h, which Andrew is struggling to do! Lots of chatting with the boys, with no screens! Great first day! Matt and Tim set their swags up for their first night.

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