Monday 27 June 2016

Getting Ready

The car and the van have been serviced and prepared, the house sitter organised and the mail redirected.  Just need to get the loooong list of Jobs to be Completed Before We Leave crossed off so we can get out of here!  At this stage its looking like Wednesday 29th / Thursday 30th.  We so don't want to go away knowing there is heaps to do when we get back before going to work!

Change of Plans

As the planned departure time approached, a bit more research into the weather and the expected daily temperatures across the Nullabor, convinced us that heading west was setting us up for a very cold month. In the end the call of 30 degree days, shorts and thongs on our feet, up north sounded sooo much more inviting that slogging across the Nullabor in the cold.

So now we're heading up through the middle to Darwin, before heading east to the coast.